Wednesday, November 24, 2010

As tata nkiza, Omo Elegua, writer, investigator. & historian of the African religions

As tata nkiza, Omo Elegua, writer, investigator. & historian of the African religions, I want to put in alert to all that that for a reason or others have to be made religion things, firstly discover well which their religious origins of that person are.
I make this writing because I am a defender of these religions, I don't care if they want to take it like a critic destructive contructiva or not, I only want to insinuate that many dirts are making up of them and the religions deserve respect.
What I want to insinuate that these African religions, arrived in two countries, the first were Cuba and the second was Brazil, reason why I want to leave very clear and clarified, captured this. But I see that many people don't know, neither in the year that these fruits arrived at the island, in which 90 percent that you/they practice this religion is of different countries that many of them are practicing and they love the religion that you/they have taken pains for their old traditions.

Of 90 percent that practice it, 89 percent is foreign and there is its great majority they don't know anything about them, now then never they have dedicated a time to the study neither a dedication moment for that same reason they return addict to the profanation, with this I want to arrive to the wound of the wound. Be had more than enough understands that that said by our ancestros is to respect it, what happens that unfortunately there are many that you car dominates tatas and in fact neither them same they know what means that so sacred word, when one speaks of the word tata, you this speaking that it has gone by all the ceremonies. I not only base myself to all the things that it is necessary to happen, on the ceremonies, but in the dedication, we will confirm in this case, you reader believes that if you are not santero he can make him/her sacred to another person. If you were consecrated as, those dirty and disgusting inventions that name (the jubilation) thing that doesn't exist in the rules of the stick.

In which I am annoying and the honorable ganguleros also in that head fits that if you you has lined for five days that authorization you have to line to the other ones, when for you to make that has to be I consecrate as father nkisi and to receive mbele (that is to say medical father). Because most of these foreigners that are those that I have surprised making these profanations, to question to the Cubans and Brazilian, I clarify to all the recently consecrated ones that they request reasons to those suppositions godfathers and godmothers that are spoiling him/her in road, to those people that go looking for relief to their pain, they find but it spoils.

Mariata Ponde and Marukurutu said that nganga arrives there is not fasendas (gay) because those suppositions tatas and mothers violate the word of our ancestors. Or it is that they are some wretches that in fact don't love to the religion of the stick, but the lucramiento that can take out of her. I also request to all the babalawos, santeros and honorable paleros that make a religious commission, to see if we put an end to all those religious nerves, of those daring and fresh people that are making what doesn't should, each one he/she makes the function that corresponds them. I edit this writing so that it ceases of those profanations, because to newspapers complaints arrive to my E-mail of people that you/they ask me that was lined by a homosexual, beginning I want to leave very clear so that they have not understood bad, I don't have anything against men and homosexual women, but each thing in their place. I know gay that are some good people and they have been and they are spiritualistic and big very good santeros, with big knowledge, but in the stick they don't have anything to look for there, in the stick they are some intruders that the only thing that you/they know is to destroy, because they don't know in fact that there is a treaty that calls it destroys it composes himself that many parents medical nkisis don't even know it, like it is possible that a godfather or a godmother puts to line a person that has been lined five days ago.

Firstly I want to make him/her taste like all that I eat consultant I can assist the one that my nganga wants, anything makes for whim neither for search fame neither fortune, because I live off my literature, but godchildren and this lady's godchildren have arrived me Kimberly the owner of botanical Oshun and Elegua this it is its Web site., requesting helps me that a homosexual has lined it, according to for the things that made him/her they are bad it tosses and them had caused problems that S+C+B+V is named. Now my respect for everything, but to look for money there are thousands in way that that lady starts to sell her oils in the botany and if she doesn't go him/her well that she starts to sell avocado and that I/you/he/she doesn't spoil to but nobody, the stick is not for neophyte, because her not this lined one, but they made him/her the dirt of that noted jubilation that not this authorized to make anything in the stick and all those that are bordered on that pan of frying stupidities they are not anything, that tells it Domingo Lage, so that they come to discuss of treaties of the stick, to say that any person that not this it consecrates in the stick, he/she cannot make anything, or that a person that doesn't have Ifa tosses, to have if she can make him/her to it Ifa somebody that you/they don't come me with story, that you/he/she is a religious sacrilege and a great profanation that I/you continues with her botany and her saint that she goes for her dear Panama to make those dirts but with other things and to the stick that she leaves it still. Another thing respect to Carlos Omo Monkey, the one is a beautiful person like santero and making saint's clothes neither my respect is said nor that he/she leaves the calm stick. Not I am against anybody, but each one, with its each whom.

This message is for Victor Lanigar Sandiña that is the culprit of all that I parboil, that is to say with this rice with mango that is remembered that when the one arrives from Cuba I speak with me so that I mounted him/her a nganga and I roundly told him/her that not, because not wise its religious origin, now then the one is a good one you Air yourself, what I wonder coming that of vat and knowing as those old ones so jealous that they are, as this boy made those dirts. As religious investigator and defender, I elevate this writing so that they open the eyes where they enter / Flash / bibliotecaentualakongo.html.

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