Sunday, April 24, 2011

Religious reflections-.

Religious reflections-.
Always to all those who practice another religion other than Catholic are we being accused of satanic, but read carefully, we will actually see who are the real Satan
As a writer and researcher here I leave this collaboration that has been
previously published to broaden the knowledge of those who believe that
Catholicism is a good religion. I want you to see these
Catholic atrocities. Not be denominated Catholics, because the real
Catholicism is a synonym of crime, torture, cruel activities towards others.
In particular when I hear that a person is Catholic right away I think
in one serious thing: "I have a killer front ami". & rurl = translate. google. com & sl = in & tl = en & twu = 1 & u= & usg = ALkJrhga0m0S22bWEerSCXNJLBAR8b8G2g
Dear readers to judge you same and draw their own conclusions.
att, Ntuala kongo.

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