Sunday, February 23, 2014

These idiots do not know the meaning of Friendship

Knowing about the life of these children mommy and daddy , who have never suffered , if aron pass by a school , and not have even entered into that room to learn, then you can talk, if all critics, criticize what the others can do, because they remind of that sad and hidden past, all they do is criticize because they have no principle of man , much less know what concept , so to become homosexual mostly to seek a fuja to live such as rattan Butaka and others who are hidden do men love each other , but for humans the primary witness is time. Since my arrival in this country always engaged me to write , not spend it with ball anyone, now did these puppets do not stop being gay also to criticize and criticize women do not stop being gay alike. ( Now I've never been like those undesirable parasites no longer have the terrible disease that is inside cancer in your life that is the envy ) The armchair is a frustrated homosexual, only the following persons of the same quality , because men they are men and they defend manhood defending homosexuality. ( Good to talk about what you know ) if talking to a despair of sausage with desire for it to be tasted, but I never liked soup sow already said and I confirm , this is what I have done to those critics who are many. .

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